Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Wrap-up and Psych-Eval

New Year’s Eve Unedited; stream of consciousness. Always a mistake. 2014 over, down and out. I am uneasy about traveling to Italy on Saturday. A problem that is also a gift. It’s a long trip with layovers in Chicago and Zurich and a lot of snow is predicted in both places and I am, naturally, convinced that we will be delayed, canceled, postponed, killed, arriving in Florence days late and half-dead. I am too old to sleep on an airport floor. Of course, I don’t know for sure about any of this, but it doesn’t look good. Nothing ever looks good, even when it is.
Cons? Delays and fatigue, possible air disaster, hijacking, lost luggage, turbulence and unhygienic passengers. Children.
Pros? Well, no matter how inconvenient and difficult the trip to Florence, eventually we’ll be in Italy for six weeks. Even if travel takes a few days of misery and suffering, we’ll still end up in Italy. Lucky me.
I couldn’t log into the site when checking on my reservations so I called a woman on the motherfucking moon and in her unfathomable moon accent she tried to help. She could not figure out how to pronounce or write my last name and that is what my login is dependent upon. My confirmation number. Check. And my last name. Fail. Moonlady said she was having no problem at her terminal in the middle of the Sea of Tranquility so I cut and pasted my name from their site and, magic, it worked. Apparently the site is font-specific? Shit, I just want to be able to check my reservations from anywhere in the world where I may end up stranded and abused while on my way to the homeland. Thanks for nothing, Moonlady.

Hate to admit this but I’m worried that I’m going to die at any minute. One of the guilty effects of treating my body as a dumpster until 1994. I’ve become older than I dreamed I’d ever be. I almost embrace death. That way I won’t have to sweat flying in bad weather and waiting in bad airports. Man, I don’t know if I’m nuts or normally anxious. Some people just look at me like I’m stupid when I complain or express my concerns. Mike B validated me by saying, “Travel is always stressful.” That’s true. Even on trips that are supposed to be easy, Oakland to San Antonio, Reno to Albuquerque, I’ve had cancellations and cock-ups so I already know there is no absolute in travel. Everything is an expectation. Travel, sex, literature, family, health, dinner, automotive, dental, grocery shopping, electricity, weather. Everything.

It’s the last day of 2014 and I feel OK, complete, but I’m still behind in my tasks. There are books to get rid of, boxes to go through and items to dispose of. Weight loss has been pretty much abandoned since June. I need cataract operations, a nose job (breathing has become difficult thanks to my brothers, an errant baseball and years of cocaine use). I’m afraid I’m going to cease, end, die without finishing several planned writing projects and my extensive book lists. In fact, I am sure of that. I’m just afraid it’s going to happen in the next few days. Weeks. Months. I want another 15 years, but even that scares the shit out of me because it doesn’t seem very long at all.

Wow. Jesus. That’s my final post of 2014? Sounds kind of negative. I better list some of the better things from last year:

Reading George Orwell, Henry James, Virginia Woolf is the greatest pleasure.
My family amuses me.
Relief from belief in deities and fantasies gives me so much more peace.
I feel content most of the time.
I like my house. I love my wife.
I’m in good enough shape to hike, stack wood, workout.
There are some pretty good people out there. Somewhere.
French New Wave cinema is still cool as hell and inspiring.
Charlie and I have been playing exotica-lounge-surf music.
My writing is slightly better.
Fountain pens.
And the best thing about 2014? My new ExOfficio underwear.

Arrivederci and good-bye, 2014. And really, thanks for the underwear.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Preventing World War III

Headline says, “Sony Hack Likely Costliest in US History.” Gosh. That’s simply awful. Right? First off, Fuck Sony. I don’t give one crap about them at all. A whole bunch of brainless racist and sexist emails got distributed to the press? Nice. It’s about time. A dopey buddy film is pulled from distribution? I can’t get worked up because 90 percent of all movies bite the big one anyway. Sony’s bloated executive’s salaries are posted for all to see? Bunch of overpaid hacks with no respect for the public. Do. Not. Care.
About ten times a year some dipshit hacks into a database at Target, Home Depot, or The Post Office and I have to jump through hoops to get a new credit card. When I ask, “Why is this happening again,” I get typical bullshit doublespeak and absolutely no help from the help desk. Chelsea or Sandip tell me to “Have a good day” and they hang up quickly. I’m just a schmuck with a credit card and the companies apparently have so much money that they can replace any pilfered funds, blow me off and send me a shiny new card that will be hacked by next summer. I used my debit card at the airport in Frankfurt, Germany in June after a flight was cancelled (thanks Lufthansa) and I had to spend a night in a shitty German business hotel. I needed 24 hours-worth of Euros and when I got home the next day (thanks Lufthansa) some neo-Nazi had looted $1,400 from my savings. I asked the clown at the Bank of America Customer Service desk how this happened. Well, it’s complicated and they don’t really care because I'm only one dude and, shit, it was just $1,400 so relax and we’ll send you a new card. I’m not the only person that this happens to. I asked around.
But, oh my God, Sony, a big multinational corporation gets invaded and compromised and ripped off and they’ve been embarrassed and had to cancel Seth Rogen’s new movie and now, NOW, it’s a big deal.
And who’s responsible for this cyber-attack? North fucking Korea. Really. Kim Jong-un and his insane haircut. I have to laugh. A dicked up little dumpster of a country that can barely feed their citizens has created the costliest invasion of privacy in history. America is bamboozled. Reports indicate that Kim Jong-un has hijacked 1,800 computer science majors from the universities and is housing them in luxury with great food, cool clothing and lots of porn while they happily hack away at The Greatest Country in the World. This great country that cannot even keep my Target credit card information out of the hands of assholes.
America is boned and embarrassed and humiliated. Pundits and experts say that this may be the early stage of an international cyber war that has the potential of destroying the world as we know it. Meanwhile Sandip and Chelsea tell me that they will replace my dough and send me a new card next week, so don’t worry. Jesus kill me.
I have an idea. Hire some of our own computer wizards, pay them a truckload of bucks and put them to work. This is America for chrissake, birthplace of Steve Jobs and Neil deGrasse Tyson and Rick Perry and Oprah Winfrey, so let us not stand around with our knuckles in our noses. The Department of Homeland Security has a yearly budget of around 40 billion dollars. Billion. Hey guys, spend some of that cheddar on twenty-first century security and maybe stop World War III. Rip a few bucks from TSA’s budget; tell that dimbulb who is ogling teenage girls on the security scan that he’s no longer needed because he’s a worthless perv and we have bigger fish to fry. Like, America’s finances, military, and infrastructure are in heavy jeopardy so we’re going to shift some funding to where it will do some good. Wow. I sound crazy. But North Korea has owned the Sony-weasel and that’s a big deal. Fuck Sony. And Bank of America.
And fuck Sandip.